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Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Peace in Colombia

The United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Peace in Colombia is a tripartite instrument established by the Government of Colombia, the United Nations and donor countries, with the participation of the civil society, which aims to articulate the investments of the international community to support the implementation of the Final Agreement for the Termination of the Conflict and the Construction of a Stable and Lasting Peace ”(hereinafter the Final Agreement) signed between the Government of Colombia and the former FARC-EP, in 2016.


In the early stages after the signing of the Final Agreement, it was difficult to predict that bottlenecks would occur that could stall some processes. However, at that time there was a need for an immediate response, and to quickly generate peace dividends to manage and meet the country's high expectations in the areas most affected by violence and poverty. It was necessary to join the efforts of multiple actors including international cooperation to take advantage of their expertise and financial resources in order to channel them, and thus support the Government to meet its objectives of implementation of the Final Agreement.


This is how the Fund was born in 2016, whose main focus is to mobilize and coordinate the financing and co-financing of catalytic interventions to support the implementation of the Final Agreement. Catalytic investments are understood to be those aimed at filling strategic financing gaps when there are no other resources available, investments that unlock or enable processes that are vital for peacebuilding, or also financial resources that support innovative or high-risk approaches that partners cannot support. The Fund is the strategic partner of Colombians for peace.

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Thematic areas

Sustainable human development: 144 Projects

US $ 90.1 Million


This scope aims to strengthen the state's presence and capacity in the municipalities most affected by the conflict with the objective of closing historical gaps, reducing inequity, and enhancing security.

The Fund has prioritized comprehensive interventions in the places most affected by the conflict, formulated within the framework of the PDET, which seek territorial transformations on various fronts, allowing the generation of opportunities for the populations that have been most vulnerable. These investments from the Fund also support overcoming the constraints faced by value chains, providing a market for the products generated, and thereby contributing to the economic and social development of the territories in which they operate.

Reincorporation: 29 Projects

US $ 28.5 million

Reincorporation aims to promote territorial peace, coexistence, reconciliation, and the destigmatization of former combatants, allowing progress towards generating and strengthening community trust, in order to break the link between politics and violence and thus transition towards economic and social inclusion. This area works with the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN) on political, socioeconomic, and comprehensive reintegration projects for former combatants.

By creating development programs that take into account environmental sustainability, the stability of former combatants, and affected communities, this area promotes technical and labor training programs in areas such as agriculture, livestock, and ecological tourism, covering productive, commercial, and organizational aspects, creating a circular impact that promotes peace and development.

Victims and transitional justice: 83 Projects

US $ 46.4 Million

The projects funded by the Fund have given prominence to the victims by placing them at the center of the process, not as mere recipients but as indispensable agents in the search for truth, justice, reparation, and non-repetition.

This area seeks to support the State in its strategy of collective reparation and assistance to victims and Transitional Justice through the creation and strengthening of the Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR) in its mandate, as well as in enhancing the capacities of victims and their organizations for their participation in transitional justice.

Communication for the Peace: 35 Projects

US $ 14.8 Million

With the commitment to provide continuous monitoring and to effectively and periodically convey the progress of the implementation of the agreements and the stabilization process, the communication area facilitates the development, implementation, and sustainability of monitoring the implementation of the Final Agreement in a neutral, impartial, and rigorous manner.

By providing evidence-based information to the government, civil society, the international community, and other territorial actors, the communication area prioritizes multisectoral dialogue spaces in the territories for generating recommendations for actors involved in peacebuilding.

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